Knowing that I am working with a material which will be around for centuries to come gives me great pleasure. Wondering where my designs will end up, who will be using them, both now in for generations as they are passed down. That blows my mind a little, thinking of the many hands to interact with something which came from my head, through my hands and including a lot of my heart in the process.
There are many stages and many emotions. Calm, concerned, anxious, peaceful, frustrated, stressed, content, impatient, pleased, annoyed, proud. During my degree someone said I was like all of the seven dwarfs rolled into one every day, the emotions I went through. That still makes me laugh.
Sometimes a stint in the studio will go smooth and to plan and it's a dream to work. Other times everything seems to go wrong and it can start to feel like the world is caving in. That is when I know it's time to move away from the project and go and do something else instead. Well, I say that but I’m guilty of not learning that quick enough, ploughing on through with something regardless and making it a whole lot worse. I like to think I have learnt that lesson but of course I haven’t...