Beach Bashing Day
Or to give it the proper name; The day me and my students went to raise some bowls at the coast…
Raising is the technique where you raise a form from a flat sheet, into a 3D shape using hammers and different shaped metal stakes. You can create bowls using part of this technique and the wonderful Cara Murphy spent time on her lovely irish coast raising some amazing bowls using rocks as stakes.
So a few of us channelled our inner Cara and took to Sheringham one sunday, with copper discs (works the same as silver but more affordable!) and hammer and set about raising our own bowls. Not so much natural rocks, but sea defence boulders!
We were blessed with a bright day and plenty of sunshine, which is a treat in Autumn as you can never guarantee the weather.
I think its safe to say everyone enjoyed the day, the textures created by the boulders are amazing the copper changes colours and hues with the heat and the sea salt. Thank you to my lovely students, most of whom have never tried anything like this before but who trusted me enough to join in anyway!